
Who are we ?
French designer and manufacturer of custom-made machines, DÉFI SYSTÈMES has taken a leading position as a provider of solutions for innovative applications, adapted to the most difficult environments.
Founded in 1994 with a desire to imagine efficient solutions, DÉFI SYSTÈMES perpetuates this vocation and today produces special products and short-run series.
These many years of experience, acquired on increasingly complex projects and built historically in close collaboration with the CEA research centers,have enabled DEFI SYSTEMES to apply its know-how on a national and international level
design offices
workshop dedicated to manufacturing
modular assembly hall, including two 100 m² grey rooms
Avec une équipe de 56 collaborateurs, DEFI SYSTEMES now integrates the entire chain of value creation, and its multidisciplinary skills are used to provide turnkey solutions for its industrial and institutional clients